1st Report: Internet Sales Amount by Geography by Date by Product
This report shows the company’s customers geography, sales amount, revenue Goal, revenue status, revenue trend, product category and the date
Company can use this report to find out which item/items is/are most selling in each country, city and customer.
On the other hand, they can compare the sales amount, revenue trend for different market and periods easily.
Alos the company can arrange and sell the suitable items for each market and customer with this report.
2nd Report: Internet Sales Amount by Customer by Date by Employee
This report shows the customers, sales amount, revenue Goal, revenue status, revenue trend, employee and the date.
This report mainly is for the company to see the sales amount for each employee.
And they can use this report to have a better arrangement for the market and customer.
For example, the can arrange a senior employee for a new customer or a developing market etc.
Also the company can use this report for annual review about the employees’ performance and calculate the commission or bonus.
3rd Report: Internet Sales Amount by Customer by Date by Promotion
This report includes geography of customer, sales amount, revenue goal, revenue status, revenue trend, discount rate and the date.
The company can compare the sales amount and discount rate for each customer.
Then they can adjust the discount rate depends on the customer sales amount.
Also they can control their costing much better for using this report.
Benefits for using OLAP cube through the Web browser to query a data warehouse.
- It is easy to analysis and reporting. We can change the dimensions and measures easily to show different date for analysis.
- We can use the OLAP by a web conveniently, we can use this in office, at home or during meeting.
- It is time saving for consolidating and manage large date.
- It is a helpful tools for improving decision making
- Different users can use the same date for different report in the same time, it can improve the working efficient.
Well-designed reports and good description of OLAP's benefits !